From time to time, we are all looking for new insights.
As the Founder and Principal of The Glenbrook Group, Inc, as well as an executive coach, lifelong learner and parent of teenagers, I am passionate about unlocking the full potential of leaders and teams (and humans in general) as well as sharing my insights about topics that help do just that.
In each post, you will see leadership essentials, research points, relevant professional and personal stories, tangible takeaways and reflective questions for you to marinate on (or ask yourself) in service to help you unlock your full potential.
I hope you find these meaningful and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.
Yours in practice,
Lead From Where You Stand
The biggest differentiator of companies that build high performance cultures is how they define leadership. On paper, the company might appear as...
Put the “Well” Back in Your Being
There is not one client who doesn’t feel exhausted, tired, overwhelmed or even burned out sometimes. Well-being is not a nice-to-have—it is...
Do You Brag Enough?
“I don’t want to appear arrogant.” “My work speaks for itself.” “I don’t want to toot my own horn.” These comments represent how the majority of...
When You Never Say No, Your Yes Means Nothing
Almost all leaders struggle to say no, especially now. In our BOLD Leadership program for women, participants frequently ask how to say no, ironic...
Why Impostor Syndrome is Like Wine
Researchers approximate that 70% of the population experiences impostor syndrome, though our indication is that it is higher, particularly among...
Secrets Leaders Don’t Admit
Results show that in only four months, BOLD leadership participants are: increasing confidence setting clear boundaries increasing executive...
Are You Inclusive?
No one wants to admit they are not inclusive, especially today. Many interpret inclusiveness as clicking “accept” on meeting invites or inviting...
The Other “F” Word
“We need more of it, and we aren’t good at it,” the new executive remarked in a recent BOLD leadership session. “We personalize, experience it as an...
Are You Coach-able?
Any leader assessing the capability of their team members is ultimately assessing their performance and ability to grow. To grow, one must be able...
BOLD Leadership Secrets Part 3: Do This to be a High Performer
Every leader my partners and I work with wants to be high performing. Yet not everyone is. A common question we get asked is “what do I need to do...
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