Gisele Shelley is a sought after speaker in corporate, business school and academic settings.

She is best known to be highly interactive, energetic and inspirational.

Participants walk away with new insights, tangible tools and practical takeaways they can immediately and sustainably apply.

 Sample Topics include:

  • Unlocking the Potential and Performance of Your Team: A Roadmap for Success
  • Women in Leadership: Expanding Influence and Leading Change
  • Reclaiming Confidence: Maximize Your Potential with Key Practices for Success
  • Busting the Myth of Perfection
Impostor Syndrome: Face It, Fix It, and Move Forward in Your Career

Are you interested in elevating your presence and impact at work? Have you sometimes held yourself back by doubting your accomplishments, questioning a promotion, or worrying you’ll be found to be a “fraud”? For many high-achieving women and men, at all career stages, impostor syndrome is a common phenomenon.

Join us for an empowering discussion and workshop with Gisele Shelley, leadership coach to executive women. Gisele will share research findings on how impostor syndrome can both limit beliefs and behaviors, and impact communication styles. In this interactive session, she will share key takeaways and exercises from her research study on “Challenges Women Leaders Face” that will allow you to make an immediate breakthrough. Enjoy a productive and fun session for all leaders.

The 3 Biggest Challenges Women Leaders Face and How to Overcome It: Research Findings and Key Take Aways

Gisele Shelley, executive coach and team consultant, will share research findings regarding challenges women face from the perspectives of different leaders (women, men, HR) in the workplace. In this interactive session, she will share findings and key takeaways with practical tools you can immediately apply. Come prepared to learn, be engaged and tangible takeaways you can immediately apply.

It’s a Two-Way Street: Developing Women Leaders, Engaging Men as Allies

To significantly and positively impact women as leaders in the workplace, it is a two-way street. In this highly interactive session, Gisele Shelley, Executive Coach and Facilitator, will share context and research data on dynamics women leaders face in team settings, in leaders demonstrating unsupportive practices (often unconsciously) and how women leaders often get in their own way (often unconsciously). The real-world scenarios will be created and shared by the stories of participants in the room, including how male leaders can be allies and advocates. Participants will leave with a greater knowledge of what they currently do that gets in the way and what they can practically do to elevate their own leadership and that of the women around them.

Sample Recent Speaking Engagements include:

  • Columbia Business School, Executive Education
  • W.W. Grainger Women’s Leadership Summit Keynote
  • The Conference Board, Women’s Leadership Council
  • Barnard Alumnae Network Professional Development
  • Center For Safety and Change
  • The Qi to Culture Podcast with Tom Kelley

    Webinar: Playing BOLD
    How Women in Leadership Overcome Challenges and Lead Effectively

    “Thank you Gisele. I loved your webinar, especially the part about Goldilocks!” 
    Jennifer Paylor, Head of Executive Coaching, IBM

    Benchmarking Study: Executive Summary of Findings

    Challenges Women Leaders Face

    Podcast on Leadership & Culture with Gisele Shelley and Tom Kelley

    “Was a pleasure to have Gisele Garcia Shelley as a guest on the Qi To Culture Podcast. The episode is filled with insightful and compelling content about the role leadership plays in company culture, and Gisele is as professional as they come and a delight to collaborative with.”
    ~ Tom Kelley

    If you are interested in exploring whether we are a good fit for your organization, contact us for a complimentary discovery conversation.

    What participants are saying…

    “Gisele Shelley is so inspiring, facilitating one of our highest-attended webcast on The Myth of Perfection for the Hewlett Packard Enterprise – Global Women’s Network. She has the uncanny ability to connect with the audience on a personal level, providing pragmatic examples that can be easily applied by all. Her session was by far the most highly rated webinar we have ever had. Thank you Gisele!”

    ~ Meredith Livingston, Executive Communications Manager, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    “Gisele is a fantastic, energetic speaker – I recommend expanding this speech into a program. It was common sense, insightful and practical with something everyone can relate to.” – Keri Stoltz

    “Gisele is relevant, funny, interactive – it was a great flow and use of time in paired shares, group activities, and great content. There were tangible examples, real life application and I now have the tools to begin.” – Keri Gates

    “I loved it! Created a useful space for self-reflection and actionability.” – Susan Kirby

    “The BOLD Framework is awesome! Some of this I know and it was important to revisit, refresh, recommit.” – Lynn Padoski

    “This inspired me to face my role in holding back.” – Pauline Schuster

    ~ W.W. Grainger

    Gisele was one of the best speakers I have ever heard. She engaged with the audience, validated all questions and points of view. She was also VERY inclusive when speaking to and about people and demographics.” – Alex Mazza 

    “Gisele was very helpful and inspiring. She made me realize things that are holding me back and how I can change it and not be afraid to take chances.” – Anonymous 

    “I loved the opportunity to engage with the larger group and hear everyone’s experience. It was affirming to hear I wasn’t the only one.” – Anonymous  

    ~ Barnard Professional Alumnae Network 

    “Inspirational. Empowering. Enlightening.” – Anonymous 

    “I loved finding out that I am not alone and I appreciate the sense of community and changing my mindset.” – Rania Abi Rafeh 

    “We need to keep having these conversations. Thank you, Gisele, for your poignant content and personal storytelling – thoroughly enjoyed this!” – Kate Nessae 

    “Being surrounded by people who experience the same thing I do and realizing I’m not alone. I was inspired to share with my staff and colleagues.” – Meghin Rooney

    ~ Barnard Professional Alumnae Network 

    “Gisele was one of the best speakers I’ve ever heard.  She engaged with the audience, validated all questions and points of view.  She was also very inclusive rather than exclusive when speaking about people demographics.”

    ~Alexa Mazza 

    Gisele is an outstanding speaker.  She is energetic, engaging and funny.  She clearly presented the information and made genuine connections with the group.  Her expertise was obvious and her perspectives invaluable!

    Abbi DeLessio 

    “Gisele’s work really hits home for me. I have used the tools she shared and now know exactly how to manage my mindset. I have been more aware of the negative things I tell myself and work on putting my BOLD framework into action. I can not tell you enough how thankful I am to Gisele and extremely grateful that she shared these amazing tools and insights. For me it was an “ah ha” moment I will cherish. Gisele rocks it out!!”

    ~Christina Waller, Fabrication and Construction Company

    “Thank you for the coaching on how to overcome my limiting, useless beliefs and the practical tips to show me how I can make different choices to overcome them so I can be a BOLD leader! I will apply these in my leadership and in all areas of my life. I have learned that one of the most powerful things I can do is become aware of those (distorted) beliefs and I now have the ability to change them.”

    ~Rosa Jaramillo Osuna, International Recycling Industry (approved)

    “Gisele’s session on BOLD leadership made me feel normalized, because of all the struggles every woman faces in her career.”

    ~Ashley Davis, Business Supplies and Equipment Company

    “The “Struggle with the Juggle” session Gisele led was extremely relevant as our community is trying to juggle their careers, their families, and pandemic activities all at the same time. The interaction from our members demonstrated their interest in the content, and the excitement following the session showed the delivery was on-point for our team. Women in our group felt that Gisele gave them the tools and the vocabulary to articulate their priorities to their families and their leaders in a way that was both professional and productive.”

    ~Candice Lovejoy, W.W. Grainger Supply Chain Executive